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Know more about Kidney Disease

Each of the two kidneys is roughly the size of a fist. They are located right below the rib cage, in the centre of the back. Nephrons, which are a million or more small structures, are found inside each kidney. They clean the blood. They eliminate waste and surplus water, which turns into urine. Urine travels through tubes known as ureters. The bladder receives it and retains the urine until one uses the restroom.

Nephrons are typically the target of kidney illnesses. Kidney impairment could make it difficult for them to eliminate waste. Genetic issues, trauma, or medications are examples of potential causes. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or a close relative who has renal disease, your chance of developing kidney disease is increased. Nephron destruction from chronic kidney disease occurs gradually over years.

To help reverse chronic kidney diseases, it is important that the guidance and treatment is taken from trusted and experienced specialists. Our lifestyle and dietary habits are the key to improve kidney function. Such issues are the ones that require immediate attention and the right Ayurvedic care leads to reversing kidney damage.

Types of Kidney Diseases

There are several kidney diseases which may occur due to poor lifestyle habits, some underlying diseases, or exposure to certain stimuli.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease

A long-term disorder called chronic kidney disease (CKD) causes the kidneys to not function as well as they should. It is a typical condition that is frequently linked to ageing. Although it is uncommon, CKD can worsen over time and potentially lead to the kidneys no longer functioning at all. Many CKD patients can lead long lives despite their illness.

Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease

A hereditary illness called polycystic kidney disease (PKD) makes kidneys develop a lot of fluid-filled cysts. PKD cysts can alter the shape of your kidneys, potentially making them considerably larger, in contrast to the often benign simple kidney cysts that might develop in the kidneys later in life.

In addition to these additional issues, PKD can also result in high blood pressure, liver cysts, and issues with the blood arteries in the brain and heart.

Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones

An irregularly formed solid mass or crystal, such as a kidney stone, can range in size from a grain of sand to a golf ball. One might not even be aware that you have a kidney stone (or stones), depending on their size.

Even little stones can be quite painful as they pass through your urinary tract and leave your body. Drinking fluids could speed up the procedure, which could take three weeks.

Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is not a medical condition. It is a collection of signs that may manifest if your kidneys aren't functioning properly.

The kidneys' small blood veins serve as a filter, removing waste and surplus water from your blood. The bladder is where the waste and water are excreted from your body as pee. The "glomeruli," the filtering portion of your kidney, includes these veins.

Too much protein can pass past the filters into your urine when they are broken. We have nephrotic syndrome as a result. Both adults and children can be afflicted with nephrotic syndrome.

Acute Kidney Disease

Acute Kidney Disease

Acute kidney damage or acute renal failure is the term used by doctors when your kidneys suddenly stop functioning.

The primary reasons behind this could be inadequate blood supply to the kidneys, kidney injury that occurs directly, or kidneys that are blocked up with urine.



The kidney disease glomerulonephritis is one of many. It entails harm to the glomeruli, or little filters, in the kidneys. The kidneys can have a hard time eliminating waste and fluid from your body if one has glomerulonephritis.

Kidney failure may result if the situation worsens. Glomerulonephritis is referred to as glomerular disease often by kidney specialists.

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What causes kidney diseases

What causes Kidney Diseases

Diabetic complications and high blood pressure are the two most typical causes of CKD.

  • Diabetes results in elevated blood sugar, which might harm your kidneys.
  • High blood pressure indicates that your blood vessels' blood pressure is too powerful, which can harm them and cause CKD.
  • Poor lifestyle habits like drinking and smoking lead to the development of certain kidney diseases in the body.
  • Obesity causes a lot of problems in the body and brings along numerous restrictions. It could be one of the potential factors for the development of kidney diseases.
  • If someone has a history of kidney diseases then the risk of getting hit with kidney diseases increases to a great extent.
  • Also, the frequent use of medications can affect the major organs like kidney, liver, or brain.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Weakness and weary
  • Issues with sleep
  • More or less frequent urination
  • Lowered mental clarity
  • Muscle pain
  • Swelling in the ankles and feet
  • Hard to regulate high blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Breathlessness, if pulmonary fluid accumulates
  • If fluid accumulates around the heart's lining, chest discomfort may result.
Signs and Symptoms

Why should the issue not be ignored?

To repair kidneys, it is important that negligence and no screening should be avoided. If the issue is left untreated, the body retains extra fluid and blood waste, which can lead to various health issues like heart disease and stroke.

Other issues include:

Low levels of red blood cells or anaemia

Low levels of red blood cells or anaemia

frequency of infections

An increase in the frequency of infections

Low levels of calcium

Low levels of calcium, high levels of potassium, and high levels of phosphorus were found in the blood

A decrease in appetite

A decrease in appetite or eating

Decreased life value

Decreased life value or depressed mood

When Should You Visit A Doctor?

Diagnosis of Kidney Disease

The various diagnosis methods employed help to determine the extent to which the expert can reverse kidney damage.

Diagnosis Of Kidney Disease
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

This information reveals how effectively the kidneys filter blood, or how many millilitres per minute they do so. The kidney disease's stage can be identified using the GFR. It provides a base for further diagnosis.

Serum creatinine level
Serum creatinine level

The serum creatinine level generally indicates how effectively the kidneys are eliminating this waste. A waste product of muscle metabolism, creatinine is typically eliminated by urine. A high blood creatinine level indicates that the kidneys are not working effectively enough to eliminate it through urine.

Urine protein test
Urine protein test

A urine protein test will check to see if the urine contains blood and protein (albumin). Urine from kidneys that are working properly shouldn't include any blood or proteins. If there are some signs, the kidneys are likely to be injured.


The imaging technique of diagnostic ultrasound, also known as sonography or diagnostic medical sonography, uses sound waves to create images of the internal organs and other structures in your body. A variety of diseases and ailments can be diagnosed, and treatment can be planned using the photos.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Disease

Ayurvedic science holds the belief that there are three bodily types, or doshas, that are known as pitta, vata, and kapha, respectively.

The balance of these doshas is the goal of ayurvedic treatment.

A person with an imbalanced dosha will exhibit physical or emotional traits associated with the dominant dosha in the person. Yoga is incorporated by many ayurveda practitioners to align the doshas in the centre of the body.

Ayurveda is a traditional Hindu medical system for treating health issues. It is predicated on the idea that wellness results from striking a balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Although ayurvedic studies has its roots in India, it is now used all around the world.

Well, according to the Ayurvedic kidney treatment, adopting a better lifestyle that includes eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and nourishing juices, getting enough sleep, doing exercises like yoga, and abstaining from alcohol and cigarettes can very effectively detoxify the kidneys and improve renal functions.

Ayurveda focuses on the core of the disease that accounts for improving kidney function. The use of Ayurvedic therapies and the measures guiding towards leading a healthy life help to reverse chronic kidney disease. Ayurveda offers a natural and holistic approach to provide relief to the body.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Kidney Disease

These Ayurvedic herbs are used for kidney treatment in Ayurveda:


By assisting in the elimination of extra uric acid and preserving the uric acid level in the kidneys, gokshura is a traditional medicine for strengthening the healthy functioning of the kidneys and avoiding or treating gout. The bark's anti-lithiasis property prevents kidney stone formation, aids in breaking or reducing the size of kidney stones that have already developed, and so shields against a number of underlying medical diseases such polycystic kidney disease, kidney stones, and cystitis. It helps in kidney repair.


This amazing herb, also known as giloy or guduchi, has powerful diuretic effects that aid in flushing toxins and excessive fluid buildup from the body. Additionally, it provides a potent remedy for painful urination, burning while urinating, and urinary tract infections.

Additionally, it controls correct urine flow and aids in the kidney stone removal process.


Amalaki, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki are a magnificent trio of revitalising herbs that act as nature's miraculous cure for a variety of health issues. It strengthens kidney tissues, prevents damage, and improves overall renal functioning, especially in the case of kidney health. It slows the progression of renal damage in patients with CKD. the elements help to lower creatinine levels.


The "three-leaved caper," also known as Varuna, is a natural diuretic that encourages frequent urination and is the most effective treatment for kidney stones.

It maintains the body's natural pH balance, aids in the metabolism of vitamin D, and manages water levels. Additionally, it purifies the blood, inhibits kidney cyst development, and supports general renal functions.

The use of these herbs helps in kidney damage reverse and boosting of the immunity system. It leads to the development of good health.

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Why Karma Ayurveda?

Ayurvedic teachings hold that biological energies are what drive all of the body's physical and mental functions. It entails addressing and eradicating health issues' underlying causes over time. It strives to unite medicine's earliest forms and traditions with the current world.

The inexpensive and efficient therapies at Karma Ayurveda offer long-lasting comfort and relief from the ailments. The natural remedies have a significant impact on calming the body and resolving problems. Karma Ayurveda has been carrying out Ayurvedic treatments for kidneys and has helped with people's health and wellbeing.

Doctor Puneet has brought major reforms in Ayurvedic modalities. He believes that for a disease to be treated from its roots, the etiology should be understood. He suggests a treatment for Kidney Disease in Ayurveda that is scientifically proven and time-tested. Karma Ayurveda has touched and transformed the lives of +150000 patients worldwide.

Karma Ayurveda is a leading healthcare organisation that offers holistic approaches to treating diseases. Being the pioneers of Ayurveda, we provide specialised treatments to the people to promote their well being. We aim to resolve the issue by using principles of Ayurveda.

Our motto remains to cure major health ailments from its core and honour the patient's life at its best. We always try to implement the best of our treatment methods.

We believe in treating people with decency, appreciating their contributions, and cultivating a culture that allows each individual to reach their greatest potential.

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